A dual-sensor system for baseball pitchers to track pitch count and biomechanics, enhancing performance analysis and enabling further optimisation of their movements.
Collaboration Scope
To provide an affordable multi-sensor solution that elevates the game of baseball pitchers aiming for peak performance.
From PoC to production, Vention's involvement throughout product development has been valuable. The knowledge and support provided at each stage, combined with clear communication and cooperation, ensure that we like working with Vention.
Maarten Hermans
Business Development
Ensuring real-time data capture of very complex movement
Having the right expertise to analyse complex biomechanical data
Incorporating all essential biomechanical data while using just two sensors
A very affordable sensor solution that provides the capabilities of an expensive system
Measures upper and lower body rotation velocity and separation time
Automatically tracks the pitch count and 3D mechanics during complete sessions
Data collected provides insights into pitching sessions to improve body mechanics
Online platform provides dashboards that help understand workload, consistency, and efficiency
First concept ready for testing within several weeks